They say Crosby Stills and Nash saw Neil Young and decided he was too good not to have in the band, then after having him in the band a while decided Young was too good to stay in. If he wasn’t Canadian, we may say he’s the greatest American songwriter ever. We feel confident he’s got Canada’s title locked up.
On Sunday, June 28, Atlanta’s best local acts will gather at Eddie’s and pay tribute to Young’s legend. This is our third year doing covers (Dylan, Springsteen) on the final night of Amplify Decatur. The last two sold out and this one will too.
If you like Neil Young (you do, trust us) you’ll leave happy as Canadian with a harmonica. Get your tickets. Here’s who’s playing:
Just added – Michelle Malone; Brian Collins and Craig Young – Craig Young used to tour with Neil Young (no relation) and will share awesome stories about their time together; Eliot Bronson; The Bitteroots; Adron; Jared & Amber; Doria Roberts; S. Connor of The Southern Gothic; Rex Hussmann, Kristen Englenz, and Mike Killeen. We may have another trick or two up our sleeves. Really, don’t miss this night.
Tickets are $15 in advance. CLICK HERE TO BUY TICKETS!